Komani Floods
Abaveleli Funeral Directors handed Blankets for Flood Victims.
Komani Floods
Abaveleli Funeral Directors handed Blankets for Flood Victims.
Sanitary Pads Drive
AFD hosted an annual sanitary pads drive at Qumbu Village School where we handed over 500 pads.
AFD in partnership with SA Funeral Supplies handed over 2000 pads to Gabazi S S S in Qumbu Eastern Cape.
Sanitary Pads Drive
AFD hosted an annual sanitary pads drive at Qumbu Village School where we handed over 500 pads.
AFD in partnership with SA Funeral Supplies handed over 2000 pads to Gabazi S S S in Qumbu Eastern Cape.
School shoes donation
Abaveleli Funeral Directors handed school shoes to 5 disadvantaged people around the Chris Hani district namely:
Buyoko Yoko SP
Jaho Glen junior School
Ngangomhlaba SP
Bhakaneni S P
Ntlalontle Primary School